Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Reasonable Adjustment Policy
Published 4th January 2022 (updated 28th December 2023)

This policy’s purpose is to enable Normanton Chambers to provide support for disabled clients, barristers, pupils, employees, and visitors, regardless of the visibility of their disability. The commitment is to make reasonable adjustments, aiming to minimize disadvantage for disabled individuals engaging with Chambers or receiving legal services.

The definition of disability adopted in this policy is that contained in the the Equality Act 2010, indicating a substantial and enduring physical or mental impairment affecting day-to-day activities significantly, where “substantial” denotes more than trivial and “long-term” means lasting 12 months or more.

The policy doesn’t exhaustively list all the reasonable adjustments that Normanton Chambers may undertake for clients, barristers, pupils, employees, and visitors. However, potential adjustments encompass providing information in alternative formats (e.g., large print, Braille), offering paid leave for disabled employees, supplying auxiliary aids like induction loops, and ensuring accessible conference room facilities.

Individuals with specific needs can request adjustments from the Equality and Diversity Officer at Normanton Chambers, with decisions made case by case. If the requested adjustment isn’t feasible, viable alternatives are explored, and in some cases, consideration for grants under the Access to Work Scheme is undertaken to assist disabled individuals in employment.

Responsibility lies with the Equality and Diversity Officer to assess whether disabled staff, barristers, or pupils require assistance during emergency evacuations and, if necessary, create personalized evacuation plans in collaboration with the individuals involved.

The barrister, pupil or member of staff hosting the visitor is accountable for considering reasonable adjustment requests for their visitors. However, assumptions about needed adjustments are avoided, always confirming specific requirements with the individual. Visitors can request adjustments by contacting the Equality and Diversity Officer on 0300 0300 218 or emailing

Normanton Chambers emphasizes that the cost of reasonable adjustments will never be passed on to disabled individuals. Additionally, for pupils, the firm ensures transparency and fairness in recruitment processes by employing contextual recruitment, and considering less conventional experiences in evaluating qualifications.

Chambers is happy to provide real-life examples to showcase their dedication to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, wherever confidentiality allows.